Dan Carlin Hardcore History Torrent
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The podcast The First Year is a wonderful history-filled look at the early life of the country, recounted by the man who made it: Howard Zinn. Zinn covered the series for 15 years in a series of books, History of the United States. But the podcast, since its inception, presents the life story in a way that will be fun for listeners as well as in-depth. All thirteen episodes are available at The First Year website.
In 2017, History segment The First Drinks will leaven the pod for an entire episode. Dan Carlin is joined by American historian and author Katie Dellamaggiore, to review the Women of the Year Awards from the year previously.
Anyway, you’re probably asking yourselves, “Who cares?” or “What is that?” But think of this as a hub of vampire-run, video game-unfriendly, zombie-infested history. It’s dark and rich and full of antique weapons and clever observations, like “You see, I’ve just taken you to a Hackney” and “Even more noticeably absent is Ratbags's Cavendish.” Some of our treasures include a time machine to talk about the Cold War, an interactive game to explain how opium was used to fight the First Opium War, and a list of battle tactics for Medieval Times. 7211a4ac4a